by DWise1

Bill Morgan is a creation science activist who has been active here in Orange County, California, for over a decade. I first encountered him through "Weird Science," a crude comic-book style creationist tract he had co-written with Ed O'Neal and for which I wrote a critique.

These are links to both "Weird Science" and to my critique thereof. The critique ran over 80 pages long, so you might want to save time by downloading a copy and reading it off-line with your browser.

I used to also offer text versions, but then I got feedback from a creationist who had only read the "Weird Science" page and completely ignored the critique, apparently unaware that it even existed. For that reason, I no longer offer the text version on my site, but I can email it to you upon request. When you read the "Weird Science" webpage, each frame from the original cartoon is followed by a link to that section of my critique. It is to save time in the frequent switching between the two pages that I recommend downloading both of them and loading them into your browser off-line. For that matter, since I preface each section of my critique with the text I am critiquing, you could simply read just the critique, though that may interrupt the flow of the original, which suffers from far too many problems as it stands.

"Weird Science":

Critique of "Weird Science":

Here's the story behind this page.

Around 1989 or 1990, an acquaintance of mine, Gene, approached me with a problem. He had started corresponding with Bill and, knowing nothing about evolution nor creation science, did not know how to respond to Bill's claims. Knowing that I had studied the issue, he gave me copies of Bill's correspondence, which consisted of a copy of "Weird Science" and a couple follow-up letters.

Bill boasted that nobody had ever been able to find a single error in his "Weird Science", yet glancing through it, I found errors in every single frame of every single page and immediately identified them as standard errors and false claims found throughout the creationist literature. Also, Bill was about 29 or 30 at that time and the tone of the writing was very flippant and full of bluster, especially his claim that "not one evolutionist has yet [found a single error in Weird Science]." So I started working on my critique in my spare time (ie, lunch time, when I wasn't doing something else) and continued with it on an irregular schedule. One year and over 80 pages later, I had lost contact with Gene and didn't have any way to get my critique to Bill, so I just filed it away.

In the meantime, I had somehow gotten onto the mailing list for the Creation Science Association of Orange County (now defunct). In 1996, the author of the newsletter offered to email on request a file he had written, AOLCREAT.DOC. I requested it and as soon as I started to read it I realized that the author was Bill Morgan and that he was writing the newsletter. I initiated an email correspondence with him that lasted two years (though Bill wanted it to have been much shorter) and ended when Bill abruptly cancelled his AOL account around September 1998.

In June 1996, I sent Bill a copy of my critique of his "Weird Science," saying:

"If I may ask. At the time you kept making such a big deal about nobody ever being able to find a single error in "Weird Science" and yet I found errors in every single frame of every single page and was able to keep my commentary down to a little over 80 pages.

"Surely I'm not the only one to have seen through it. Would you be willing to share with me the other critiques that you surely must have received?"

Bill's only response to my critique, besides trying to "smile me out the door", was: "the only critique is the spelling of Lemcont Demoy's name". Although I mentioned and refered Bill back to my critique several times over the next two years, Bill never said another word about it.

Bill mentioned that he had since re-done "Weird Science", but I never got to see it at the time. I believe that Bill had it posted at his web site as "Weird Tour", but that was a few web sites ago and is probably no longer around. It had slightly better artwork than "Weird Science" had, but I found most of the material and claims to be pretty much the same as the original's.

At any rate, I do not believe that an electronic version of "Weird Science" exists. Since the artwork was minimal, little more than "talking heads", I prepared a text version of it, from which I also prepared an HTML version, and posted links to both at the top of this page. However, due to one reader's experience in which he only read "Weird Science" and not the critique because he didn't know that there was one, I am no longer posting the text versions.

If you have any comments on "Weird Science" or on my critique, please email me. If you had already encountered "Weird Science" and had pointed out any of its errors to Bill, I would definitely like to hear about it and what Bill's response was. Bill wants to make it seem that nobody else had ever been able to counter his claims, so I would like to see how truthful he was being when he said that the only other criticism he had received about "Weird Science" was the spelling of one name. If you want a hard-copy of "Weird Science" or the updated version, call Bill Morgan at 714-898-8331. Please email me to tell me what you find out. And by all means let him know where you had gotten the phone number from.

Share and enjoy!

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First uploaded on 2000 July 02.
Updated on 2019 March 25.

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