This is a proven case of creationist Bill Morgan having deliberately and repeatedly lied to the public.
- Synopsis
- The Article
- Bill's questions
- An Unfortunate Observation about Bill
- Time-Line
- The Message Exchanges
This is a long and weird story that started in May 1998, was reported on my web site in 2000, and was ostensibly resolved in 2011, though while taking an even weirder twist.
Bill Morgan is a local "creation science" activist with whom I have had an off-and-on email correspondence since 1996, during which time I have been very greatly impressed by his gross and audacious dishonesty and propensity for lying about everything and anything.
On his website,, he posted an article he had written about the ozone layer. I had already discussed that article with him and had demonstrated that it was completely false. I had demonstrated that fact to him so conclusively and irrefutably that he ended up running away from that discussion and, every time I brought it back up with him over the next decade, he would yet again immediately run away.
Despite knowing for a fact that the claims of that article were totally false, he deliberately chose to post it on his first web site. In doing so, Bill Morgan was deliberately lying to the public. Then each and every time he took down one web site and put up another one (he's been through at least three and maybe as many as five) he would yet again deliberately choose to post that article even though he knew for a fact that it was false. Nor could he have forgotten that it was false, because each and every time I caught him posting it I would remind him that he was deliberately lying to his public. And each and every time I did so, he would immediately run away and continue to lie to his public.
Then in 2011, after he had been deliberately lying to the public for 13 years, I was finally able to convince Bill Morgan to remove that article from his site. It took him several weeks to do so, but finally the text of the article disappeared. But then several months later he took his entire site down and I haven't seen it back up since; it's currently just a barely functional skeleton.
His latest position, which he argued for stubbornly after agreeing to remove the article, was that those heavy refrigerant molecules couldn't possibly be high in the atmosphere because nobody has explained how molecules that much heavier than air would get and stay aloft (untrue; it has been explained to him repeatedly and not just by me). Basically, he was saying that if he personally cannot understand that, then they cannot possibly exist. I pointed out that their presence has been directly and empirically detected and measured from air samples taken from high in the atmosphere, so if he doesn't want to accept anybody else's explanation then what is his explanation. At that point, he ran away yet again.
This is the article that started it all. Our email exchange on this subject (see below) started with the May 1998 newsletter of the Creation Science Association of Orange County. Bill's report on the previous month's meeting read:
Last month we were honored to have John Rajka from ICR speak on the topic of Environmentalism. Everybody wants clean air, clean drinking water and a healthy environment, but it is tragic that many people promote a false agenda based upon people's fears and back it up with bad science.[DWise1: Bill's article entitled "The Ozone Layer" on his web sites (eg, started with the following line, leaving his readers completely in the dark as to what the ozone layer is supposed to be an example of -- as reported above, Bill finally took that article down after 13 years of knowing he was deliberately lying, but then he took his entire site down shortly thereafter]
One example of this is the ozone layer. The ozone layer is located in the earth's stratosphere, approximately 5 miles above the surface of the earth. It serves a vital function for life on earth since it screens out the majority of ultraviolet radiation.
A refrigerant designated as R-12 (Freon 12) used to be the most popular refrigerant used in the United States. R-12 is very dense when a gas. And keep in mind that refrigerants operate in a closed system (systems that are designed not to leak; however if they do leak, they are immediately repaired or replaced).
Several years ago, some scholars demonstrated that chlorine atoms reacted with ozone and broke down the ozone molecule so that it no longer blocked ultra violet radiation. They concluded R-12 was a source of these chlorine atoms. But they left one detail out: how does a very dense gas like R-12 get elevated to 5 miles above the earth? I was told this question and was interested in putting it to the test.
Part of my job involves designing air conditioning systems and thus I attend many trade shows. These trade shows have many refrigerant experts. At these shows I tested my information by asking them "how does the dense R-12 make it to the stratosphere?" The truth is that the majority of these experts were stunned by this question and replied they did not know. The only explanation I got was when one man I asked explained that the R-12 attaches itself to lighter than air molecules and like a balloon reaches the ozone layer. THINK! The molecule will still be denser than air! I pointed this out and he walked away.
Additional facts: if chlorine atoms are destroying the ozone layer, the ocean and chlorine used in swimming pools are much bigger culprits than R-12 since these sources emit much more free chlorine than R-12. Also, why is the ozone hole over Antarctica and not over the USA? The reason is because there is volcano activity over Antarctica (but no refrigerants).
What does this have to do with Creation vs. Evolution? Bad science (conclusions based upon bad data) is everywhere. Never be intimidated to ask an expert simple questions. Ask the Biology experts "how did life originate?" {Biogensis teaches life only comes from life, an atheist believes life arose from nonlife). Ask the physical scientists "how did the Universe originate?" {The First Law of Thermodynamics teaches matter and energy can not arise from nothing, which atheists are forced to believe}.
So then the intention of the article is to discredit science, apparently in order to justify picking and choosing which findings and products of science they want to ignore because their theology conflicts with those aspects of reality while smugly keeping the parts they like (such as the Internet and flush toilets).
- "How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air?"
- "Why is the Ozone Hole Observed over Antarctica When CFCs Are Released Mainly in the Northern Hemisphere?"
- "Does Most of the Chlorine in the Stratosphere Come from Human or Natural Sources?"
- "Can you answer my simple question of how the R 12 gets 5 miles above the surface of the earth. The proponents endlessly teach what R 12 does to ozone, I have read that endlessly, but my qwuestion is how does it get there."
Now compare those questions with three questions from NOAA's ozone layer FAQ at
Virtually identical. Now, did NOAA get them from Bill Morgan's source? Or did Bill's source get them from NOAA?
- "How can chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) get to the stratosphere if they're heavier than air?"
- "Why has an ozone hole appeared over Antarctica when CFCs and halons are released mainly in the Northern Hemisphere?"
- "Does most of the chlorine in the stratosphere come from human or natural sources?"
Either way, those questions that Bill had stumped his "experts" with had already been answered by the real experts at NOAA. The claim that they have not been answered is completely and utterly false, as is the claim that CFCs are not high in the atmosphere.
And keep in mind that the "experts" that Bill Morgan pestered with his "unanswered questions" were not atmospheric scientists (who had already answered those very questions and posted those answers in their FAQ), but rather air conditioning salesmen!
Which leads us to:
The primary problem I had had with Bill's article was that he had not tried to go to the real experts for answers to his questions, but rather he askedSALESMEN at a trade show and from their inability to answer his questions about atmospheric dynamics arrived at the false conclusion that nobody could answer those questions. I couldn't understand why he had not tried to go to the real experts in the first place.But then something happened that started to make it clear to me. In sorting my papers at home, I came across one of Bill's earlier newsletter articles from a few years prior to the ozone-layer article. The article recounted an experience of Bill's while vacationing in Hawaii. At a state/national park, he listened to the tour guide give the standard geological explanation of how the islands had formed within the standard geological timeframes. Bill started asking the tour guide questions, including how the great ages for these events had been determined. The guide was taken aback by Bill's questions and didn't know how to answer them, so he grabbed the first thing that came to mind and answered "carbon-dating." Bill correctly identified this as the wrong answer (the half-life of C-14 is too short for it to be used to date anything older than 50,000 years). He incorrectly concluded that the "experts" didn't know what they were talking about regarding geological ages. Never mind that the tour guide Bill had chosen to be an "expert" on geochronology did not actually have any expertise in that field. Never mind that Bill had made no attempt whatsoever to direct his questions at the actual geologists and geochronologists who had done the research upon which the tour guide's presentation had been based, or at any actual geologist or geochronologists who was familiar with that research. No, instead of trying to actually research the issue, Bill had confined his questions to a non-expert and drawn his conclusions about all the experts from that, which he then shared triumphantly with his readership.
He pulled the same kind of stunt in a debate where he used the journalist of a newspaper article as an "expert" in hominid fossil evidence.
I immediately recognized what he had done with that tour guide as the exact same approach that Bill had taken with the ozone-layer issue, a near-classic straw-man argument:
So now we had evidence of a pattern of this kind of behavior from Bill Morgan.
- He neglected to ask the actual experts his questions.
- He misrepresented non-experts as being "experts".
- He then pestered them with his questions that were outside their own areas of expertise.
- He found that none of his chosen "experts" could answer his questions.
- He falsely concluded therefrom that the experts could not answer his questions, without ever having tried to question an actual expert in that field.
- He made a big show to his audience how he had once again defeated their mighty opponents, even though it was all just a big show with no substance whatsoever. IOW, he had just made a big show of beating up an effigy stuffed with straw, a strawman.
And then it hit me! Bill was acting like a bully! He was picking on those who could not defend themselves while avoiding those who could. Then he would go back to his friends and brag about how tough he was and about how he had soundly thrashed the enemy.
Then upon further reflection, I came to realize that this kind of behavior pervaded every part of Bill's creationist approach. Most of Bill's newsletters would recount some encounter he had had with an "evolutionist" or a non-creationist Christian and how Bill would always have the upper hand throughout the encounter while his opponent would always be unable to withstand Bill's arguments. His opponents would include individual priests, teachers, and professors whom Bill would either present as "experts" or strongly imply that they were, though almost never would we ever learn of their actual level of expertise in the pertinent fields. I do not recall ever seeing Bill encounter an actual expert, though I would think that it must have happened at some time. Bill gets to pick and choose which encounters to present to his audience and what parts of those encounters, so we never see the ones where Bill flounders, plus he feels free to rewrite every encounter into whatever he wants it to have been. For example, he has never presented his encounters with me and I doubt that he ever will.
[Addendum: Actually, he did mention me once in his newsletter. Though not by name and he completely lied about me. Which is typical of Bill. ]
I have observed that when Bill's opponent is not very knowledgeable, Bill will be very talkative and eager to tangle with him. In fact, you cannot stop him as he mocks that poor person. Yet when his opponent proves to be knowledgeable, Bill becomes very tight-lipped and tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible. When Bill was corresponding with my acquaintance who did not know anything about creation science, Bill was very flippant and blustery and mocked him mercilessly (even though Bill preaches to never mock your opponent -- what does that make Bill?). When I started my correspondence with him, Bill was very talkative and mocking and ready to show off at first, yet as soon as my knowledge of creation science became apparent, he tried to disengage. That's his behavior of seeking out the weak opponents and avoiding strong ones.
It also explains his avoidance of discussing the issues. Every time I tried to get Bill to discuss my answers to his questions or to support the claims of his questions, he would refuse to. Now I realize that he is not the least bit interested in having his questions answered. In fact, that is the exact opposite of what he wants. He wants his questions to remain unanswered because they are all intended to be "unanswerable" by "evolutionists". If his opponent can answer his question, then his entire case is destroyed. Now I understand why Bill repeatedly tried to claim that I had not answered his question; he had to try to keep alive his pretext of its being "unanswerable," which he could not do. He wants his audience to believe that no evolutionist can answer these questions. Otherwise, they might start to think about those questions and answers for themselves, which is the last thing that Bill would want. Bill is not interested in finding answers for his questions, nor in the truth; he just wants to defeat evolution, no matter what it takes. And no matter how many of "God's Absolute and Immutable Laws" he needs to break in the process.
Here's a rough chronology; I'll have to search later through our further correspondence for exact dates and more exact details of the exchanges:
So we have the inescapable fact, which I render in syllogistic form here:
- April 1998 --
- Bill posts his "Ozone Layer" article in the CSAOC newsletter.
I bring it up for discussion in our ongoing email exchange. The exchange is posted below. As I note at the end, he ended it as he usually did, by dropping the subject and refusing to respond.- Late 1998 --
- Bill put up his first web site and posted several of his newsletter articles on it, including his "Ozone Layer" article that he already knew to be false.
I ask Bill why he chose to post an article that he knew for a fact to be false.
Either no response from him or he tried to claim that I had never answered his question, whereupon I yet again posted the answers to his question to demonstrate that, yes I had, and I continued to press for his reason for posting an article he knew for a fact to be false, whereupon he ran away yet again.- A year or two later --
- Bill put up another web site and yet again posted several of his newsletter articles on it, including his "Ozone Layer" article that he already knew to be false and whose inclusion he had refused to justify.
Yet again I took Bill to task for his actions and yet again he refused to take responsibility for his own actions.
I believe that it was this time (hey, I'm having to remember back about 7 years here) that I led in by asking why he deliberately posted false claims on his web site. He responded with a typical Bill-Morgan boastfulness that he went out of his way to ensure that everything he posted was true and that if he ever discovered that one of his claims was not true then he would take it down immediately.
I pointed out, yet again, that he knew that his "Ozone Layer" article was false and yet had yet again deliberately chosen to post it on his new website.
Bill immediately ran away and refused to respond to my follow-up emails. And, no, he never removed that article from that website.- Several years later, 2007 June 18 --
- I relocated Bill's website (, whose very name is a lie, considering walking catfish, snakeheads, and mudskippers) in order to make sure the links on this page are up-to-date.
Bill's "Ozone Layer" article was still posted on that page. Only this time it bore the date of "Monday, January 17, 2005", which I assume is when he had created the site. This is despite the fact that it actually dates from April 1998.
So much for Bill Morgan's empty boast that he would remove a false claim immediately.
Yet again I email Bill about how he is deliberately lying to the public by posting that article and yet again he runs away.- Two years later, 2009 August --
- I found the site of Rational Responders who had found Bill's website and invited him for a discussion. When I asked him about that later, he acted like they were real buddies and he looked forward to doing it again, but in a local magazine article (Bill Morgan Is Captain Creationist: The activist is waging a war against evolution, one lecture at a time by Adam O'Neal, OC Weekly, 30 August 2012), he "later described the incident as an ambush, not a debate; he didn't agree to return." So he had lied to me yet again. Typical!
On 05 August 2009, I noticed that on 24 February 2006 a BobSpence had posted in the forum his response to Bill's ozone layer article, so I posted an explanation of the entire issue. You will find that at Response to FishDontWalk on the Ozone Hole. I don't know whether my having posted that had any effect of Bill's decision two years later to finally listen to what I had been telling him for 11 years.
At the Rational Responders blog, I also found Fishdontwalk have we decreated a creationist site? from 27 September 2006 which discusses Bill Morgan's "little talk" with them. As it turned out, his lies about them go even deeper. Yes, maybe he was right in calling it an "ambush". But then he agreed to come back to continue the discussion. As they tried to schedule him, he kept having other plans that conflicted. Then he finally agreed to a recording date and then he refused to answer the confirmation call and other phone calls from them. A week later he again agreed to return and they sent him a number of dates that would be good, at which point he refused to answer any more of their emails. Yet again, Bill Morgan had run away.
Then they noticed that Bill's website had gone down, hence the title of that blog. And they quoted from one of my web pages dealing with Bill Morgan. Then on 19 November 2011 I reported on that blog page that Bill's site was back up and that he was eager for a second round. What a lie!
- Two years later, 2011 October --
- We briefly renew our correspondence and I broach the subject yet again.
This time, after much arguing back and forth, Bill agrees to remove the "ozone layer" article from his site.
However, he still insists CFCs cannot possibly be in the stratosphere because he himself cannot understand how. He still refuses to accept the explanation of atmospheric scientists from NOAA and he still tries to ignore the direct and empirical observation of the presence of CFCs in the stratosphere as well as the direct and empirical measurements of their concentrations.
When I point that out to him and suggest that since they are indeed present and he still refuses to accept the explanations offered to him, then he needs to come up with one himself, he drops the subject yet again and runs away from it.
After a sizable delay in the removal of the article from his site, I have to ask him a couple times when that will happen. Eventually, the text of the article did disappear, though the links to it remained.
About time! It only took thirteen (13) years!- Four years later, 2015 --
- Bill's website,, is down with just a few features.
None of those few features are the articles, so I cannot verify that Bill's "Ozone Layer" article has not reappeared when we weren't looking, as is all too common with the "retractions" of other creationists.The next question, which I have repeatedly asked Bill and which he has repeately refused to answer, is:
- Given that Bill Morgan has known for a fact since early 1998 that the claims in his "Ozone Layer" article are false;
- Given that, starting several months after discovering that fact and continuing on for 13 years until 2011, Bill Morgan had repeatedly and deliberately chosen to post that article unchanged on his websites;
- Therefore, Bill Morgan has knowingly and deliberately lied to the public.
Why does Bill Morgan need to use lies in order to serve his God?
In the following text, I am "DWise1" and Bill Morgan is "BillyJack6." Liber8r was a third-party witness to our correspondence.
However, after Bill Morgan ran away and cancelled his AOL membership in August 1998, I appropriated his old "BillyJack6" screen name. So in the 2011 emails I am "BillyJack6" and Bill Morgan is "BillyJack1". I hope you don't find that confusing.
The emails have been edited to replace broken URLs with good ones (NOAA has reorganized its site in the meantime). However, some URLs have not been updated, mainly the references to this page's old URL in
Subj: Bad Science: R-12 Date: 98-04-29 23:35:40 EDT From: DWise1 To: BillyJack6 CC: DWise1, Bill, a few things in your latest newsletter did not make much sense to me. Your topic was "bad science" ("conclusions based on bad data") and the example was the blaming of the depletion of the ozone layer on clorine atoms originating from the refrigerant R-12 (Freon 12). Your point of contention was that R-12 is very dense and so could not rise up to the ozone layer five miles up through an atmosphere consisting of lighter molecules. You took that question and "put it to the test" by attending air conditioning trade shows (as part of your current job) and posing the question to the sales and marketing people there, whose expertise was air conditioning and refrigerator systems. Since none of them could answer a physics/chemistry question from outside their own field of expertise, you concluded that that question was unanswerable and that it was an example of "bad science." It would be similar to me going to UNIX trade shows asking everybody to explain the details of TSR programming (the terminate-and-stay programming that produced the memory-resident pop-up utilities that were a real hot item in DOS before Windows completely took over), except that some of the UNIX types might have crossed over from DOS and so would know the answer. Bill, have you asked any scientists that question? Have you researched any of the literature discussing the effects of R-12 on the atmosphere? Have you read any scientific explanations for the localizing of the ozone "hole" over Antarctica? You blame Antarctic volcanic activity, but why wouldn't that happen over more equitorial regions of volcanic activity? (hint: think about the rotation of the earth and the associated wind and weather patterns) You are assuming that the entire R-12 molecule (that's right, I am not familiar with the chemistry of R-12, so I'm not sure whether it is a molecule or a mixture) has to make the journey up to the ozone layer, but why not consider the byproducts of R-12 reactions at the ground level that may be able to rise to the occasion? Again, what does the literature say? Another minor point I would question: "And keep in mind that refrigerants operate in a closed system (systems that are designed not to leak; however if they do leak, they are immediately repaired or replaced)." Excuse me. If you had to replace a unit because the refrigerant had leaked out, then the refrigerant had leaked out. And how does an end-user realize that he has a leak until it has all leaked out or almost all leaked out? How leak-proof are those systems, then I seem to remember something about having to periodically recharge them (ie, put in more refrigerant, which would mean that is missing, as in "leaked out"). And what about the discarded units? Certainly there are reclamation efforts, much more so now than before, but I doubt very much that every single discarded refrigeration unit gets all its refrigerant reclaimed. In short, leaks do happen and have happened. The only question would be, how much. You had started to think about this question, but you stopped way short of completely thinking it through. You certainly did not put it to any real test. Have you read any of the primary source literature? Or even secondary? There are a lot of articles posted on the Web on many subjects, so I'd be surprised if there weren't any on R12 and the ozone layer. For that matter, since the Web offers us the means of finding the email addresses of individuals and organizations (I recently tracked down the author of a shareware program who had been in Columbia but is now in Pakistan, all through the Web), have you tried to email some of the scientists responsible so that you can ask THEM your question? Or are you afraid that your little conspiracy theory will fall apart when they provide you with the answer to your question? Remember, seeking the truth is different from just trying to show somebody up; you were doing the latter when you needed to be doing the former. You were using this question as an example of "bad science", so that you could further discredit science, one of the necessary intermediate goals of creation science (yeah, I have also heard the fundamentalist definition of "true science" as that science which agrees fully with the Bible, although that approach completely bypasses the scientific method). It is certainly true that people with an agenda will latch on to a single finding or just plain bad data or even create their own bad data and try to build an entire movement out of it. A prime example of that is creation science. The next question would be -- besides the question of whether you would be willing to actually test your question -- , when you discover that you were wrong, will the readers of your newsletter or the members of the Creation Science Association of Orange County (CSAOC) ever hear about it? I am sure that they have never heard about the mistake you had made about protein comparisons. And I suspect that you have continued to propagate your mistake, even though you know better. But hey, it's the creation science way! I've been seeing that kind of stuff happen for almost two decades now. ######################################################### Subj: Bad Science: R-12 -- The Sequel Date: 98-04-29 23:35:54 EDT From: DWise1 To: BillyJack6 CC: DWise1, Bill, the day after I wrote the email concerning your questions concerning R-12, I decided to look for the answers. Through Yahoo (heute schon Yahoot?), I found them within 15 minutes. You could have done the same. To keep myself honest, I left the previously authored email unchanged. As it is, my suggestion that byproducts of R-12 reactions at ground level might be what's getting to the ozone layer was wrong, because one of the primary properties of CFCs is that they are extremely stable and do not react to anything in the lower atmosphere, but only break down when bombarded by high-energy UV radiation. Still, it was a possibility that needed to be tested. Has something to do with the scientific method. You might have heard something about that. I found and saved copies of the FAQs which answer your questions. Those questions are: 1. How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air? 2. Why is the Ozone Hole Observed over Antarctica When CFCs Are Released Mainly in the Northern Hemisphere? 3. Does Most of the Chlorine in the Stratosphere Come from Human or Natural Sources? Basically, despite the fact that CFC molecules are several times heavier than air, direct measurement shows that they are present in the stratosphere in sufficient quantity to do damage. They mix in with the lower atmosphere and are transported by the winds, similar to how moving water can keep much heavier particles in suspension. CFC is very stable and unreactive in the lower atmosphere (which is one reason they had become so widely used in industry) and so can persist for the years that it takes for them to reach the stratosphere. Other sources of clorine (eg, swimming pools and volcanic eruptions) do not contribute much, if any, to ozone depletion, because that clorine is water-soluble and gets scrubbed out of the lower atmosphere long before it could reach the stratosphere. CFC gets thoroughly mixed in the lower atmosphere long before it works its way to the stratosphere, so the locality of its production has no bearing on where the zones of greatest depletion occur. Global atmospheric convection patterns, especially the up-welling at the tropics which feed the down-welling at the poles, carry the CFCs to the polar regions. Antarctic meteorology produces conditions which promote the depletion reactions. Object lesson: when you have a question about something, go ask somebody how knows the answer, rather than to ask those who don't and then conclude that the question is unanswerable. Don't jump to conclusions prematurely. Look for the FAQs. (pun fully intended) Below are copies of the FAQs which answer your questions. The .GIF files that accompanied the FAQs have been attached to this email in aself-unZIPping file, OZONE.EXE, just in case you do not have PKUNZIP or do not know how to use it (No offense intended here, Bill. I honestly do not know what your level of computer expertise is and I have learned the hard way never to assume). Just run it and it will unzip itself. Then you can view the files with your GIF viewer. Or just go to the URLs given below. [Liber8r: if AOL's attachment protocol, which I believe to be MIME, is incompatible with your email system, let me know so that we can work it out. Or you could just go to the pages they are posted on. I had included them because I doubt whether Bill would go to those pages himself.] [DOH!! I'm sorry, but I forgot to bring that file home with me. I'll have to owe you.] #### Common Questions about Ozone How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air? Although the CFC molecules are indeed several times heavier than air, thousands of measurements have been made from balloons, aircraft, and satellites demonstrating that the CFCs are actually present in the stratosphere. The atmosphere is not stagnant. Winds mix the atmosphere to altitudes far above the top of the stratosphere much faster than molecules can settle according to their weight. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water and relatively unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 10 km) are quickly mixed and therefore reach the stratosphere regardless of their weight. Much can be learned about the atmospheric fate of compounds from the measured changes in concentration versus altitude. For example, the two gases carbon tetrafluoride (CF4, produced mainly as a by-product of the manufacture of aluminum) and CFC-11 (CCl3F, used in a variety of human activities) are both much heavier than air. Carbon tetrafluoride is completely unreactive in the lower 99.9% of the atmosphere, and measurements show it to be nearly uniformly distributed throughout the atmosphere as shown in the figure. There have also been measurements over the past two decades of several other completely unreactive gases, one lighter than air (neon) and some heavier than air (argon, krypton), which show that they also mix upward uniformly through the stratosphere regardless of their weight, just as observed with carbon tetrafluoride. CFC-11 is unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 15 km) and is similarly uniformly mixed there, as shown. The abundance of CFC-11 decreases as the gas reaches higher altitudes, where it is broken down by high energy solar ultraviolet radiation. Chlorine released from this breakdown of CFC-11 and other CFCs remains in the stratosphere for several years, where it destroys many thousands of molecules of ozone.#### Common Questions about Ozone Why is the Ozone Hole Observed over Antarctica When CFCs Are Released Mainly in the Northern Hemisphere? Human emissions of CFCs do occur mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, with about 90% released in the latitudes corresponding to Europe, Russia, Japan, and North America. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water and relatively unreactive are mixed within a year or two throughout the lower atmosphere (below about 10 km). The CFCs in this well-mixed air rise from the lower atmosphere into the stratosphere mainly in tropical latitudes. Winds then move this air poleward - both north and south - from the tropics, so that air throughout the stratosphere contains nearly the same amount of chlorine. However, the meteorologies of the two polar regions are very different from each other because of major differences at the Earth's surface. The South Pole is part of a very large land mass (Antarctica) that is completely surrounded by ocean. These conditions produce very low stratospheric temperatures which in turn lead to formation of clouds (polar stratospheric clouds). The clouds that form at low temperatures lead to chemical changes that promote rapid ozone loss during September and October of each year, resulting in the ozone hole. In contrast, the Earth's surface in the northern polar region lacks the land/ocean symmetry characteristic of the southern polar area. As a consequence, Arctic stratospheric air is generally much warmer than in the Antarctic, and fewer clouds form there. Therefore, the ozone depletion in the Arctic is much less than in the Antarctic.
#### Common Questions about Ozone Does Most of the Chlorine in the Stratosphere Come from Human or Natural Sources? Most of the chlorine in the stratosphere is there as a result of human activities. Many compounds containing chlorine are released at the ground, but those that dissolve in water cannot reach stratospheric altitudes. Large quantities of chlorine are released from evaporated ocean spray as sea salt (sodium chloride) aerosol. However, because sea salt dissolves in water, this chlorine quickly is taken up in clouds or in ice, snow, or rain droplets and does not reach the stratosphere. Another ground-level source of chlorine is its use in swimming pools and as household bleach. When released, this chlorine is rapidly converted to forms that dissolve in water and therefore are removed from the lower atmosphere, never reaching the stratosphere in significant amounts. Volcanoes can emit large quantities of hydrogen chloride, but this gas is rapidly converted to hydrochloric acid in rain water, ice, and snow and does not reach the stratosphere. Even in explosive volcanic plumes that rise high in the atmosphere, nearly all of the hydrogen chloride is scrubbed out in precipitation before reaching stratospheric altitudes. In contrast, human-made halocarbons - such as CFCs, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) - are not soluble in water, do not react with snow or other natural surfaces, and are not broken down chemically in the lower atmosphere. While the exhaust from the Space Shuttle and from some rockets does inject some chlorine directly into the stratosphere, this input is very small (less than one percent of the annual input from halocarbons in the present stratosphere, assuming nine Space Shuttle and six Titan IV rocket launches per year). Several pieces of evidence combine to establish human-made halocarbons as the primary source of stratospheric chlorine. First, measurements (see the figure below) have shown that the chlorinated species that rise to the stratosphere are primarily manufactured compounds (mainly CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and the HCFC substitutes for CFCs), together with small amounts of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and methyl chloride (CH3Cl) which are partly natural in origin. The natural contribution now is much smaller than that from human activities, as shown in the figure below. Second, in 1985 and 1992 researchers measured nearly all known gases containing chlorine in the stratosphere. They found that human emissions of halocarbons plus the much smaller contribution from natural sources could account for all of the stratospheric chlorine compounds. Third, the increase in total stratospheric chlorine measured between 1985 and 1992 corresponds with the known increases in concentrations of human-made halocarbons during that time.
#### OK, Bill, now that you know the rest of the story, what will you do about it? Will your readers ever hear about this from you? Will you continue to tell your story of how nobody could answer your questions? ######################################################### Subj: Re: Bad Science: R-12 Date: 98-05-19 18:21:53 EDT From: BillyJack6 To: DWise1 Hi! You never answered my question of how does the R 12 make it to the stratosphere. You wore out you keyboard assuming I have never read up on this topic (I have and it is clear you really have not). Can you answer my simple question of how the R 12 gets 5 miles above the surface of the earth. The proponents endlessly teach what R 12 does to ozone, I have read that endlessly, but my qwuestion is how does it get there. Thanks ######################################################### Subj: Ozone Date: 98-06-03 23:32:50 EDT From: DWise1 To: BillyJack6 CC: DWise1, File: CQ-1.GIF (19251 bytes) DL Time (14400 bps): < 1 minute For Liber8r: ### BEGIN YOUR MESSAGE ### Subj: Re: Bad Science: R-12 Date: 98-05-19 18:21:53 EDT From: BillyJack6 To: DWise1 Hi! You never answered my question of how does the R 12 make it to the stratosphere. You wore out you keyboard assuming I have never read up on this topic (I have and it is clear you really have not). Can you answer my simple question of how the R 12 gets 5 miles above the surface of the earth. The proponents endlessly teach what R 12 does to ozone, I have read that endlessly, but my qwuestion is how does it get there. Thanks ### END YOUR MESSAGE ### >You never answered my question of how does the R 12 make it to the stratosphere.< Oh? I thought that I had. Please tell me why and in what way my response did not answer your question. >You wore out you keyboard ...< Not at all; my father taught me long ago to let the tool do the work. I gave you the straight skinny, exactly -- character for character -- as I had gotten it from NOAA. You should learn how to use the Clipboard; that's what it is there for. >... assuming I have never read up on this topic< Au contraire! It was obvious that you had read at least something on the topic, even if it had been nothing more than a single article (please note the use of the subjunctive there). You had questions. They had to have come from somewhere, whether directly from your reading (ie, the author had raised them himself) or from your own mind as you had read (the vacuous "From the Mind of Bill Morgan" stationary notwithstanding). Furthermore, you were asking a lot of the right questions, or at least the same questions that most other people were asking, since they wound up on NOAA's frequently asked questions (FAQ) list, so you were somewhat on the right track. You couldn't have done that without having read anything on the topic. However, at the same time it was also obvious that you had not done any research to answer those questions. Or at least you weren't looking in the right places. It's like the short campfire skit (stolen -- I mean, researched -- from vaudeville, I'm sure) where a Scout comes up to the campfire and starts looking for his watch: "Where'd you lose it?" "Way over there." "But if it's way over there, why are you looking for it over here?" "The light's better here." Will that Scout ever find his watch by looking in all the wrong places? No, of course not. Your questions involve areas of physics and meteorology that deal with global wind patterns at ALL levels of the atmosphere, convection currents on a global scale, fluid motion, and particle dynamics, including interactions on a molecular level involving gasses of greatly different densities. One very good place to look for people with that kind of knowledge would be at NOAA; that is what they do for a living. Instead, (by your account) you chose to restrict your search to sales representatives at air conditioning trade shows, who, let's face it, are not known for their expertise in the required fields, nor should they be expected to have that kind of expertise. Since you were looking in all the wrong places, naturally you could not find any answers to your questions. >(I have and it is clear you really have not).< I already told you that I conducted my research for only fifteen minutes. You never said how long you had conducted yours, but I would assume that it was much longer than fifteen minutes. However, at the end of your extended research, you had found no answers, whereas at the end of my mere fifteen minutes, I had found the answers to all of your questions. That should tell us something about the comparative effectiveness of our two separate research efforts. Which research should prove more fruitful, 15 minutes looking in the right place or 100 years looking in the wrong place? Perhaps you could describe your research to us. Where did you look? What did you find? Had you looked at NOAA's publications on the subject? Since I have given you the URL, have you looked at NOAA's site in the meantime? If you have further questions, will you direct them to NOAA, or will you continue to harrass unsuspecting and unknowledgeable sales reps? FWIW, here is the URL again (for your question of "How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air?"): You should be able to find your way back to the rest of NOAA's site from there. >Can you answer my simple question of how the R 12 gets 5 miles above the surface of the earth. The proponents endlessly teach what R 12 does to ozone, I have read that endlessly, but my qwuestion is how does it get there.< Again, that has been answered already. Here it is again; first my synopsis and then the actual FAQ from NOAA: ### MY SYNOPSIS ### Basically, despite the fact that CFC molecules are several times heavier than air, direct measurement shows that they are present in the stratosphere in sufficient quantity to do damage. They mix in with the lower atmosphere and are transported by the winds, similar to how moving water can keep much heavier particles in suspension. CFC is very stable and unreactive in the lower atmosphere (which is one reason they had become so widely used in industry) and so can persist for the years that it takes for them to reach the stratosphere. Other sources of clorine (eg, swimming pools and volcanic eruptions) do not contribute much, if any, to ozone depletion, because that clorine is water-soluble and gets scrubbed out of the lower atmosphere long before it could reach the stratosphere. CFC gets thoroughly mixed in the lower atmosphere long before it works its way to the stratosphere, so the locality of its production has no bearing on where the zones of greatest depletion occur. Global atmospheric convection patterns, especially the up-welling at the tropics which feed the down-welling at the poles, carry the CFCs to the polar regions. Antarctic meteorology produces conditions which promote the depletion reactions. ### END SYNOPSIS ### For the following FAQ, figure cq-1.gif has been attached to this email. ### NOAA FAQ ### Common Questions about Ozone How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air? Although the CFC molecules are indeed several times heavier than air, thousands of measurements have been made from balloons, aircraft, and satellites demonstrating that the CFCs are actually present in the stratosphere. The atmosphere is not stagnant. Winds mix the atmosphere to altitudes far above the top of the stratosphere much faster than molecules can settle according to their weight. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water and relatively unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 10 km) are quickly mixed and therefore reach the stratosphere regardless of their weight. Much can be learned about the atmospheric fate of compounds from the measured changes in concentration versus altitude. For example, the two gases carbon tetrafluoride (CF4, produced mainly as a by-product of the manufacture of aluminum) and CFC-11 (CCl3F, used in a variety of human activities) are both much heavier than air. Carbon tetrafluoride is completely unreactive in the lower 99.9% of the atmosphere, and measurements show it to be nearly uniformly distributed throughout the atmosphere as shown in the figure. There have also been measurements over the past two decades of several other completely unreactive gases, one lighter than air (neon) and some heavier than air (argon, krypton), which show that they also mix upward uniformly through the stratosphere regardless of their weight, just as observed with carbon tetrafluoride. CFC-11 is unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 15 km) and is similarly uniformly mixed there, as shown. The abundance of CFC-11 decreases as the gas reaches higher altitudes, where it is broken down by high energy solar ultraviolet radiation. Chlorine released from this breakdown of CFC-11 and other CFCs remains in the stratosphere for several years, where it destroys many thousands of molecules of ozone. ### END FAQ ### "The atmosphere is not stagnant. Winds mix the atmosphere to altitudes far above the top of the stratosphere much faster than molecules can settle according to their weight. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water and relatively unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 10 km) are quickly mixed and therefore reach the stratosphere regardless of their weight." When I used to SCUBA dive, we were taught that there would be about 40 diving fatalities each year in the US. 80% was due to beginners panicking and killing themselves by doing something stupid (I have a classic case, if you want to hear it). Most of the remaining 20% were on the east coast, where they would get lost in Florida's underwater caves or in New England's sunken ships and eventually drown, again through stupidity. In the ship-diving fatalities, the diver would enter a space that looked perfectly clear, then turn around to exit and be faced with a wall of zero visibility hiding the exit. Just the slight turbulence generated by his fins would stir up the silt that had settled out in the still water. A moving fluid can carry heavier particles and keep them from settling out. OK, Bill, there you have it again. Your question had been answered before and now it has been answered again. One of the conceptual errors you were making was to assume that the air was stagnant, not moving. That would indeed result in a settling out of the gasses according to their relative weights. However, the real world is never so ideal. The air in the atmosphere does indeed move and the wind does indeed blow (a clearly observable meteorological phenomenon in the North Dakota winter, where it gets too cold to snow, so the wind just keeps redistributing the snow that is already there, which gets dirt mixed in with it, creating "snirt" -- been there, shoveled that). And gasses of different densities do indeed mix. Now, you may want to reject NOAA's explanation. That would be your choice. However, you will still be left with the problem of explaining how the CFCs get into the stratosphere. Because "thousands of measurements have been made from balloons, aircraft, and satellites demonstrating that the CFCs are actually present in the stratosphere." Rejecting an explanation of how it got there does not explain away the fact that it is there. According to figure cq-1.gif, CFC-11 is present in concentrations of about 400 parts per trillion in the lower atmosphere and up to about 15 km, where it starts to drop slowly until it reaches 0.01 parts per trillion at about 32 km. The same figure shows the stratosphere starting at about 12 km altitude. We know that it is SOP in creation science to decide beforehand what can and cannot be and then ignore all evidence to the contrary. But we are not going to let you pull that one off, Bill. You cannot simply wish it all away; the real world does not work like that. CFCs are in the stratosphere. If you reject NOAA's explanation of how it gets there, that still leaves us with the question of how it gets there. Please offer your own explanation of how it gets there. If you also cannot, which is definitely within the realm of possibility (as is the possibility that NOAA's explanation of how is incorrect), that does still leave us with the directly observable fact, verified thousands of times, that CFCs are in the stratosphere. Nu? The next question would be, why is this such a hot topic for you? It has moved you to do something you almost never do with creationist topics; you actually responded! Why does it motivate you so? This has nothing to do with evolution, so why did you write about it in your newsletter? And why did you have a speaker on the subject? Did he offer any connection between the ozone layer and evolution/creation? Or was he trying to blame evolution for ozone depletion, like Henry Morris and others have tried to blame evolution for practically every existing evil in the world? #########################################################
Bill Morgan never responded to any questions about his claims concerning R-12 and the ozone layer. Still, his one single response was remarkable, given that his most common way of handling direct questions has been to completely ignore them.
In 2000, I continued to bring up the issue of Bill's ozone layer claim and he continued dodging it.
######################################################### Subj: Re: You get the first look at my newsletter! The Peppered Moth Fraud! Date: 27-Jul-00 17:17:59 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC: DWise1, >>He missed the point! You did to. You selectively chose to not address the Peppered Moth fraud.<< Ah, you are again insisting on answers. That must mean that you are also ready to provide some answers. Good! Finally! This time, I'll just seek closure on two questions, one of which will raise another serious question. I'm including Liber8r in this, so he can also find closure on these questions. First, there is the matter of your question to me: "If God exists, should the kids be taught about Him?" You will find the entire exchange on my page, "BILL MORGAN'S QUESTION: Should Kids be Taught About God?", at . As you can plainly see, I answered your question, quite thoroughly and thoughtfully. Your only response was to repeat the question, as if I had not answered it, when in reality I had. I asked you repeatedly to tell me why you believed that I hadn't answered your question, but you refused to answer and simply continued your childish game of mechanically repeating the question, until you performed your disappearing act. So, Bill, now that you are finally ready to answer some questions, answer me these: 1. Do you still believe that I had not answered your question? 2. If the answer to Question #1 is "yes", then why do you believe that I had not answered your question? Second matter: The Ozone Layer. You will find this material on my page, "BILL MORGAN'S QUESTION: THE OZONE LAYER", at . This was in response to a newsletter article you wrote, which you have posted on your site as "The Ozone Layer" at . As you can clearly see on my page, I had found the answers to all the questions you had posted about the depletion of the ozone layer. I had accomplished this by going to the actual experts in the subject, rather than to air-conditioning salesmen. I copy-and-pasted the applicable FAQs to my email and passed the information on to you. You responded by claiming that I had not answered your question. In response I pointed out that I had answered it, I presented the answer once more, and I asked you to explain why you believed that I had not answered it. Your response was to drop the matter completely and to completely ignore the question every time I repeated it. The open questions here are as above: 1. Do you still believe that I had not answered your question? 2. If the answer to Question #1 is "yes", then why do you believe that I had not answered your question? Third Matter: The Ozone Layer. In the meantime, another problem with this has arisen. As I said, you had posted that article on your site as "The Ozone Layer" at . Except for the lack of proper lead-in to provide context for the first paragraph -- context which I provide on my page at -- it is exactly as you had published it in the newsletter. Completely with the claim that the experts could not answer your set of questions. The problem with this is that you know that that claim is false. You know that the experts -- the REAL experts -- do have answers to those questions. I got those answers from those experts at NOAA and I passed them on to you, word-for-word, character-for-character. I even provided the links to those answers. You know that to be true. Therefore, you must also know that your claims in that article are false. Therefore, you are knowingly posting false claims and misrepresenting them as true. Furthermore, you have been doing so for an extended period of time. This raises some very serious ethical and moral questions about your conduct. Please answer me these: 1. How do you justify the posting of claims on your site which you know to be false? 2. If you claim that those claims are not false, then why are they not false?
No reply.
######################################################### Subj: Re: Dennys Date: 05-Aug-00 10:01:02 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC: DWise1 >>I never never never insulted your wife and am offended at this false claim.<< Oh yes you did insult us: >>Subj: Re: Dennys >>Date: 01-Aug-00 11:22:40 Pacific Daylight Time >>From: (Bill Morgan) >>To: >> >>Its a shame you and your wife develop preconcieved >>notions about people >>before meeting them. My wife and I would never do >>that. We are not >>prejudiced. And I find that smug hypocritical attitude of yours very offensive. Nobody is completely free of prejudging. Anybody who does not use his past experiences to size up a stranger in order to anticipate potential actions by that stranger is incapable of learning and would be unlikely to survive long. The best that we can ever hope to do would be to proceed as if we had not prejudged, keeping in place back-up plans just in case the situation turns ugly, and be ready and willing to learn from that particular encounter, whichever way it goes. To believe that one does not prejudge is self-delusion and to proclaim to the world that one does not prejudge is seen as hypocricy. >>Lets stop this charade. If you really wanted to talk you coulc call me or meet at Dennys.<< What possible purpose could such a meeting ever serve? Why would I ever want to agree to such a meeting? I would have to go far out of my way, with considerable effort, for WHAT? For you to try to lead me down more of your "rabbit trails"? For you to try to convert me? Bill, I find proselytizing to be very offensive. When it is directly at me, then I find it deeply and personally extremely offensive. If we met in person and you tried any of those tricks on me, I would not put up with it for a single moment. I am certain that you will make such an attempt. I am not prejudging you; your conduct on-line has demonstrated that that is what you will do. I will not put up with it, especially if I have to go through all that trouble to meet with you. Before I could possibly agree to such a meeting, you would need to demonstrate that it would be a productive meeting and you would need to restore my trust in you. If you want to talk, then let's talk! In your "Ozone Layer" article, you claim that no expert could answer a set of questions which you listed. The "experts" you had asked were air-conditioning trade show reps! When I went to the real experts, the scientists at NOAA, I found answers to every single one of your questions and I passed them on to you. Your first response was to pretend that your question had not been answered. My response was to show you that it had been answered and to ask you to tell me why you believed that it hadn't. Your next response was to run away from the question; you also ignored it every time since then that I had raised it again. Bill, why did you say that your question had not been answered? Now, even though you know that your claims in "The Ozone Layer" are not true, you have it posted unchanged on your site, thus bearing false witness to the world. Bill, how can you justify your actions there? You asked me whether children should be taught about God. I answered your question, quite well, in fact. You then started playing a childish game of ignoring my answer and mechanically repeating your question again and again. I kept asking you why you thought that I had not answered you question and you only repeated the question again with no explanation. Bill, why did you pretend that I had not answered your question? No "rabbit trails", Bill. Please answer my questions.
his reply completely ignored the ozone layer problem
################################################### Subj: Re: Dennys Date: 07-Aug-00 17:54:11 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC: DWise1 Stop already with your "rabbit trails", Bill. Again, the current questions are: In your "Ozone Layer" article, you claim that no expert could answer a set of questions which you listed. The "experts" you had asked were air-conditioning trade show reps! When I went to the real experts, the scientists at NOAA, I found answers to every single one of your questions and I passed them on to you. Your first response was to pretend that your question had not been answered. My response was to show you that it had been answered and to ask you to tell me why you believed that it hadn't. Your next response was to run away from the question; you also ignored it every time since then that I had raised it again. Bill, why did you say that your question had not been answered? Now, even though you know that your claims in "The Ozone Layer" are not true, you have it posted unchanged on your site, thus bearing false witness to the world. Bill, how can you justify your actions there? You asked me whether children should be taught about God. I answered your question, quite well, in fact. You then started playing a childish game of ignoring my answer and mechanically repeating your question again and again. I kept asking you why you thought that I had not answered you question and you only repeated the question again with no explanation. Bill, why did you pretend that I had not answered your question? No "rabbit trails", Bill. Please answer my questions.
his reply completely ignored my questions
######################################################### Subj: Re: Dennys Date: 08-Aug-00 17:13:25 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC:, DWise1 Bill, we need a witness. Call in your own witness if you want. Mark, we need your services as a witness again. To bring up-to-date, I quoted to Bill from his own tips for his street proselytizers: "DON'T; Go down rabbit trails. If you raise the question "How did life originate?" and they quickly say "well who made God?" keep the discussion on your question, tell them you will answer that later, but first you want an answer to yours." Mark, I believe that you will immediately recognize Bill's typical response to questions (besides just plain ignoring them) to be the very same "rabbit trail" trick that he insists the opposition not be allowed to pull. For that reason, I am calling him on it every time he tries to pull it. >>No, I am tired of your childish tirades.<< And I am tired of your "rabbit trails" tricks, Bill! You train your street proselytizers not to tolerate that trick, so why do you expect ME to accept your constant use of it? You want to talk? Let's talk! These questions are part of that talk. They are only two of over 50 questions that you ducked and dodged; about 18 of which you ducked and dodged repeatedly. Talking means facing and dealing with the questions. NO MORE "RABBIT TRAILS". The one question about the ozone layer has a direct bearing on your honesty and integrity. You know that your claims in the "Ozone Layer" article are false; the actual experts have indeed answered those questions that you claim to be unanswered. Yet for more than a year you have had posted on your site that "Ozone Layer" article claiming what you know to be false, long after you learned that it was false. You deliberately chose that article for posting. You deliberately converted it to HTML. You deliberately uploaded it. You deliberately set up the links to it. All of these things you did deliberately AFTER you had learned that the article's claims are wrong. Deliberately posting something you know to be wrong and misrepresenting it as true is called "lying." Bill, this is something that we definitely need to discuss. You tell your followers that you serve Truth. If you are at all serious about your claim of serving Truth, then you will discuss this problem. If you refuse to discuss it, then we can only interpret that as your confession that you do not serve Truth. But if you want to see childish behavior, then take another look at your own "responses" to my answer for your "should children be taught about God" question. A prime example, I think you will have to agree. #########################################################
Bill Morgan never responded to any questions about his claims concerning R-12 and the ozone layer. Still, his one single response was remarkable, given that his most common way of handling direct questions has been to completely ignore them.
In 2001, I continued to bring up the issue of Bill's ozone layer claim and he continued dodging it.
Subj:Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date:5/14/2001 12:41:39 Pacific Daylight Time From:DWise1, DWise1
BTW, your new site still contains that deliberate lie that you knew to be a >lie before you had even posted it on your first site. >I have not worked on my web site in a year, what error? thank!<< Now, Bill, you know that you did not tell the truth there. Your old site,, was last updated about 7 August 2000. That was nine months ago, not twelve. Nine is less than twelve. Your new site,, just went up within the past few months. Within the past few weeks, the format of the new page has changed; it did not mention the meetings of the CSAOC before. The deliberate lie in question is the continued posting and the reposting of your article, "The Ozone Layer", even though you know that it is not true. It is a lie because you knew at both times that you posted it that the article's claims were not true. It is deliberate, because you had to act deliberately in selecting it for posting, in including it in the selection list of articles, and in performing the actual posting of the article and the updated selection list. Furthermore, I have already informed you of this several times: First, there is the original exchange in which you learned of your error (Subj: Bad Science: R-12, 98-04-29 23:35:40 EDT to 98-05-19 18:21:53 EDT). This is documented on my page, "BILL MORGAN'S QUESTION: THE OZONE LAYER", at . Your first response at the time was to berate me for knowing nothing about the subject and stating that I had not answered your questions. I responded by pointing out that I had found the answers to all your questions, I repeated them with references, and asked you why you thought that I hadn't answered them the first time. Your response was to run away from the subject and refuse to answer any of my follow-up questions. Shortly after our correspondence resumed in July 2000, I have pointed out to you that you had posted that article knowing that it was false and asked you how you could possibly justify your actions. I reminded you of it several times, but you ignored me every time except for once, when you denounced it as a "childish tirade". No, Bill, it is a very definite problem which reflects directly on your honesty and integrity. Especially in light of your boasting about how you will not use a claim if you discover it to be false. Bill, you are yet again preaching one thing and practicing the complete opposite. We both know that is called "hypocrisy" and we both know how much hatred Jesus expressed about those who practice it. ################################################ Subj:Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date:5/11/2001 11:08:17 Pacific Daylight Time From: (Bill Morgan) To: I have not worked on my web site in a year, what error? thank! >From: >To: >CC: >Subject: Re: Hovind/errors/debate >Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 10:24:09 EDT > ########################################################### Subj:Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date:5/14/2001 12:41:39 Pacific Daylight Time From:DWise1, DWise1 BTW, your new site still contains that deliberate lie that you knew to be a >lie before you had even posted it on your first site. >I have not worked on my web site in a year, what error? thank!<< Now, Bill, you know that you did not tell the truth there. Your old site,, was last updated about 7 August 2000. That was nine months ago, not twelve. Nine is less than twelve. Your new site,, just went up within the past few months. Within the past few weeks, the format of the new page has changed; it did not mention the meetings of the CSAOC before. The deliberate lie in question is the continued posting and the reposting of your article, "The Ozone Layer", even though you know that it is not true. It is a lie because you knew at both times that you posted it that the article's claims were not true. It is deliberate, because you had to act deliberately in selecting it for posting, in including it in the selection list of articles, and in performing the actual posting of the article and the updated selection list. Furthermore, I have already informed you of this several times: First, there is the original exchange in which you learned of your error (Subj: Bad Science: R-12, 98-04-29 23:35:40 EDT to 98-05-19 18:21:53 EDT). This is documented on my page, "BILL MORGAN'S QUESTION: THE OZONE LAYER", at . Your first response at the time was to berate me for knowing nothing about the subject and stating that I had not answered your questions. I responded by pointing out that I had found the answers to all your questions, I repeated them with references, and asked you why you thought that I hadn't answered them the first time. Your response was to run away from the subject and refuse to answer any of my follow-up questions. Shortly after our correspondence resumed in July 2000, I have pointed out to you that you had posted that article knowing that it was false and asked you how you could possibly justify your actions. I reminded you of it several times, but you ignored me every time except for once, when you denounced it as a "childish tirade". No, Bill, it is a very definite problem which reflects directly on your honesty and integrity. Especially in light of your boasting about how you will not use a claim if you discover it to be false. Bill, you are yet again preaching one thing and practicing the complete opposite. We both know that is called "hypocrisy" and we both know how much hatred Jesus expressed about those who practice it. ################################################ Subj:Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date:5/16/2001 07:53:01 Pacific Daylight Time From:DWise1, DWise1 Oops, I gave you an incorrect URL. My page describing our exchange about your ozone-layer claim is at . My apologies to all about that. ################################################ Subj: Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date: 05/25/2001 11:34:49 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC:, DWise1 I see that you have done nothing about that deliberate lie that you have posted on the Web (twice) and that you are trying to ignore that fact. Ignoring your lie will not make it go away, but rather will only serve to damn you even more as a liar and as a hypocrite (doubly so, since you state that "nothingis more important than truth" and you boast that you will not use a claim if you discover it to be false). Bill, you need to do the right thing for a change. You need to remove that article from both sites immediately. Then you need to post a notice on both sites that it has been removed because you have discovered it to be false. Then you must also post a notification in the CSAOC newsletter. Those notifications are necessary in order to inform those who had read that article already that it is not true. Otherwise, they would continue to be deceived by it. Here is an appropriate quote I found through a link on Steve Lock's "Leaving Christianity" page [ ] that Ed Babinski recommended to me: "He who begins by loving Christianity better than Truth will proceed by loving his own sect or church better than Christianity, and end by loving himself better than all." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) I must say, Bill, that I have often seen in your actions evidence of a massive ego. ################################################ Subj: Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date: 05/29/2001 15:26:53 Pacific Daylight Time From: (Bill Morgan) To: Please tell me specifically what to remove from my web site. As to me having an ego that is a joke! If you ever saw me in person you could see I have nothing to have an ego over! I hate mirrors, cameras and portraits.....I am one ugly dude! ################################################ Subj: Re: Hovind/errors/debate Date: 05/30/2001 18:37:00 Pacific Daylight Time From: DWise1 To: CC:, DWise1 >>Please tell me specifically what to remove from my web site.<< STOP ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT, Bill! You know full well what that deliberate lie was and WHY it was a deliberate lie! I have called your attention to it several times and you have avoided it every time! How DARE you pretend that you don't know what it is! Read to jog your memory. (I gave you the correct URL this time) You need to: 1. Remove that article from both sites immediately. 2. Post a notice on both sites that it has been removed because you have discovered it to be false. 3. Post a notification in the CSAOC newsletter. Those notifications are necessary in order to inform those who had read that article already that it is not true. Otherwise, they would continue to be deceived by it. Send me a hard copy so that I can tell that you didn't just try to fake it. 4. Explain to us why you had posted an article that you knew was false and why you had dodged the question so many times. >>As to me having an ego that is a joke! ...I am one ugly dude!<< Bill, all I can go by is how you behave. You refuse to do the right thing unless you get rewarded by praise. You wanted everybody, including Mark who would have to travel over 2000 miles, to come sing praises to you and tell you what a "great guy" you are. You got decidedly hostile at the very thought that somebody would not want the "honor" of dining with you, so much so that you lashed out at me with vicious personal attacks via your slanderous accusations. I have repeatedly seen such evidence that you are feeding your ego. Maybe it's compensation for your self-described ugliness. ################################################ Bill Morgan continued to ignore and run away from the issue.
During the next decade, we emailed each other sporadically, mainly triggered by my seeing that he had chosen yet again to deliberately lie by choosing to re-post that ozone layer article on his new web site. And each time he would act as if he had no idea what I was talking about, then when I'd explain it to him yet again he would "respond" by running away yet again.
Then finally in 2011, Bill Morgan agreed to take down that article. After 13 years of having been constantly reminded that he was deliberately lying to the public.
After Bill Morgan ran away and cancelled his AOL membership in August 1998, I appropriated his old "BillyJack6" screen name, mainly so that I could warn the people who were trying to reach him -- I would also give them his new email address. I have also taken to using that screen name to compartmentalize my further correspondence with Bill Morgan. So in these 2011 emails I am "BillyJack6" and Bill Morgan is "BillyJack1". I hope you don't find that confusing.
######################################################### To: Subject: What is Christian Doctrine on Lying? From: Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 03:15:09 -0400 So, Bill, I see that you are still lying through your teeth. Fine Christian witness, that. I asked you before about the truth and you responded saying "nothing is more important than the truth", and, as I recall, you immediately followed it with yet another lie. We both know full well that you are deliberately lying. If fact, I found you to be the most pathological creationist liar that I have ever encountered since 1981. My question was and still is: how do you rationalize or justify the lying? I mean, in Sunday School we were taught that lying was a sin and against God's Laws. And yet so many creationists lie so much -- and you by far overfulfill your own quota of lies; in the former Soviet Union you would have gotten a medal for it -- that the question must arise: how do they rationalize or justify directly sinning? Seriously, Bill, what is Christian doctrine and teachings on lying and practicing deception in the service of the Lord? And in the light of that doctrine and those teachings, how do you justify or rationalize the blatant deployment of lies and deception? In case you do not understand the context: . How many of your sites have you posted that article on? Despite the fact that before you had ever posted it on your very first site you knew full well that it was completely false. That is deliberate lying. You know that you cannot deny it. All you can do is what you have always done, run away. ######################################################### Subj:My Number One Fan! Date:31-Oct-11 22:31:50 Pacific Daylight Time Sent from the Internet (Details) Kent Hovind is dead wrong on that! I called Danny Faulkner a PhD in Astronomy and asked him that about the sun and trust him. Kent needs correction! Regarding the Ozone layer, please tell me how that dense gas gets into the stratosphere. If you coherently do so, I will remove that article. I never said no "expert" could answer my questions, I said the experts I talked could not. Just be honest. I will gladly publicly debate you. That way, you have to stay on point. I simply find typed debates to be dull and know you won't stick to the point. You guys paste 1000 word arguments and no one will read them. I did one once where my opponent pasted a huge rticle on the evolution of the mammalian ear, it was not his thought, and that is when I said this is meaningless...I will stick to public debates. I have no idea about your life, but I have no desire to spend 290 hours typing. I work 50 hours a week and have three kids and a wife. A public debate would be marvelous however. We could post it on YOUTUBE and finally meet. I have a hilarious Mensa story for you when we have dinner! Trust me, just because someone has and IQ of 160, does not mean they are not lost in space! Oh man I have a funny and true story for you about Mensa! It is a shame you won't sup with me, I know deep down you like me and want to be my friend and I accept! I like your fire and passion! Ask Dan Barker if he will debate me. Hey for once you were wrong! Wow! I debated a professor at Cypress College, Dr. Greg Cavin, in front of all his students! Are you willing to admit now I gladly debate in front of people who think humans are properly arranged star dust? Dr. Cavin REFUSED to let the debate be recorded. He was a nice guy we had a good debate. Call him up and ask hime if we debated in front of his students My dad recently died after a brutal battle with bone cancer. My mom died in 1994 from lung cancer. I know all about suffering and grief. I understand your anger. I still believe. Bill ######################################################### To: Subject: Re: My number one fan! From: Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 00:20:32 -0400 No dinner. The stench of guile and deception turns my stomach. Stay on topic. Quit trying to change the subject. It's an established fact that you are a liar; that is not the question. While it can be difficult to ascertain whether a creationist's false statements are deliberate lies or are merely due to abject ignorance, incompetence, and/or selective blindness. Still, there are some cases which are beyond a doubt deliberate lies. One such is Walter Brown's rattlesnake protein deception. Another case of a deliberate lie is your "ozone layer" lie. Sure, you started out abjectly ignorant, even to the point of bragging about having badgered non-experts, those A/C salesmen at the trade show, about whom you lied to your audience by grossly mischaracterizing them as experts in atmospheric dynamics. Though even in that, it could have just been caused by your ignorance and incompetence. But then I set you straight. I found the FAQ on the NOAA site, where the real experts in atmospheric dynamics work. And that FAQ not only listed all the questions that claimed no "expert" could ever answer (well, none of your non-experts), but they answered every single one. Furthermore, they indirectly responded to your false claim that scientists only imagined that CFCs were present in the upper atmosphere based solely on laboratory experiments -- that is, after all, the real point of that article, to slander science and scientists. The NOAA FAQ included a graphing of CFC concentrations based on altitude, with that data having been obtained empirically from air samples taken by sounding rockets. Direct evidence. Then a couple/few months after that, you posted that article on your first website. Unchanged, uncorrected. Even though you knew it was false, you still posted it as if it were true. You deliberately lied to the public. I informed you of that fact and you denied it. So I laid out the facts before you, as I always did. You made no correction. Then I brought it up again and again. Each time, you feigned ignorance of the issue, itself a deliberate lie, but then you would almost constantly lie to me during our correspondence, which is why I kept a record, in order to show you what had actually been said. At one point, you even proclaimed that nothing is more important than the truth ... yet another lie. And you also stated unequivocally that if you were to learn that you had posted something that wasn't true, then you would remove it immediately ... yet another lie. And when you could no longer stand before the facts and the truth, you ran away. With each new website you would create, you would consciously choose to deliberately lie to the public by posted that same ozone layer article, uncorrected. And each time I would call you on it, you would put on a big act of being honest, but then when all the facts were yet again before you, you would yet again run away. Each and every time. You are a liar. There is no doubt of it, no question about it. That is not the issue nor the question. The question is how you justify or rationalize your lying. What is Christian doctrine on lying and deceiving? Does doing it for Jesus make it the approved method? Is there some legalistic loophole created by fundamentalist interpretation of Scripture that you and so many other creationists use? Just about everybody else's Sunday School instruction made it quite clear that lying is a sin. What kind of special interpretation are you and so many other creationists applying to exempt yourselves from accountability for the sin of lying and deceiving? Or are you simply using the lame approach of sinning anyway and then asking your invisible friend for forgiveness? Let's face it, when as an invisible friend ever withheld such forgiveness. Only when the sinner has a conscience, which obviously you and so many other creationists do not have. I am not nor ever will be any "fan" of yours. You are the epitome of the "wicked fruit" with which the Matthew 7:20 Test condemns your theology as a wicked bush that must be cut down and thrown into the fire ... Jesus' words, those, according to Matthew. Why did I take your AOL screenname? To keep you from getting it back. And to expose your fans to the truth. One such said he was a personal friend of yours. I presented him with your own writings and was able to demonstrate to him beyond any doubt that you were lying. He admitted that you were lying; the facts were incontrovertable. What happened next blew my mind. Even though your soul was in danger for having strayed so far and living in such sin, he stated outright that he could not do anything whatsoever to try to save you. Not even to try to warn you, as a personal friend. Just what is that about? If you saw a close personal friend, or even a family member, stumble, your theology forbids you from trying to help them? From warning them of the consequences of their actions? Please explain what that is about. In case you're wondering why I need to ask you these questions, please consider a statement by Dan Barker. Although he's now known as "America's leading atheist", he was born into fundamentalist Christianity, was personally called into the ministry by God Himself, and served many years in a travelling fundamentalist ministry, but eventually he grew to a point where he had to step down, his church, having failed to reconvert him, pressured his wife into divorcing him (2 Cor 6, I believe). Thinking himself alone, he made his way to Michigan where he met others who thought like him. What he didn't know then was that when he was going through that there was an atheist organization in Los Angeles, Atheists United. I first heard of him when he spoke at one of their meetings and it was broadcast on their weekly 15-minute radio show. Besides his "where were you when I needed you?", there was his comment on the fundamentalist mentality, one which he had lived in for so many years: "When your theology becomes your psychology." I'm a normal, while you're a fundamentalist. Your theology has become your psychology. In order to understand why you feel free to lie at will when all Christian instruction that anyone else has received tells us that it's a sin ... in order to understand that I need to understand your theology on that point. Lacking that information, all I can conclude is that your theology is bereft of morality. Do you really want me to think kindly of Christians of your ilk? Then you need to give me something to work with, because at this point the picture is very much not at all pretty. BTW, I would recommend that you read part of Dan Barker's "Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists." At the very least the first four chapters, which recount his journey. You know how the "slippery slope" is pointed out to be a logical fallacy, especially when offered as an argument. Well, his own transition was a slippery slope. In his theology, he drew the line between what was right and wrong. But he travelled about from fundamentalist congregation to fundamentalist congregation. And each one drew that line differently. And with each fundamentalist congregation, his own personal line shifted. And shifted again. Until eventually he was at a point where he could start to think about things and to start to read. Of course, it didn't help much that he was very intelligent, Mensa level. If nothing else, read it in the sense of Sun Tsu's advice to know your enemy. If you ever worried about why people deconvert (eg, about 80% of the kids raised on "creation science" and fundamentalism who are fleeing the faith of their birth for no other), this book might help you. OBTW, any "success" you gain at debates are not because of the facts, but rather because of your ability to bullshit. You can get away with a lot when everything is verbal that you cannot get away with when it's all written down and open to examination. That includes the typical creationist practice of stacking the audience with the already-believing. Before a mid-1980's debate, the good guys (the evolution side) went out into the parking lot to count up the Christian school busses and creationist bumper stickers, etc, and determined that about 90% of the audience went into that debate creationist. At the end of the debate, a vote was taken and two-thirds of the audience voted creationist. Of course, the creationists declared a resounding victory, whereas in reality they had lost nearly a quarter of their audience. Do you remember our debate? You kept badgering me to debate you. I kept insisting on a written debate, which you absolutely refused to have anything to do with. Remember? A written debate is able to concentrate on the facts and reach a wider audience, whereas a verbal debate lets bullshit win with a hand-picked fundamentalist audience. Finally, you offered to debate me in whatever venue I wanted. So I agreed, for a written debate. Your response? You ran away. Gee, you run away an awful lot! Now, a question on the side. This claim, as far as I can tell, is only made by your Idol, Kent Hovind: All you got to do is step outside and look up. Obviously the sun is burning. It's losing 5 million tons every second. You can't just keep losing 5 million tons a second, pretty soon you start to lose weight. And so the sun is losing this mass -- 5 million tons every second -- which means it used to be larger. And it used to be more massive. If you increase the mass of the sun, going backwards in time for several billion years, you start to create a problem with the gravitational balance between the earth and the sun. It's going to suck the earth in and destroy everything. (Hovind in his seminar tape video downloaded from his site circa 2003. From my transcription taken from the audio of video #7, "Questions and Answers", from 37 minutes 40 seconds to 39 minutes 54 seconds) The rate that he cites, while slightly high, is reasonable. What do you think of this claim made by your Idol, Kent Hovind? ######################################################### To: Subject: Re: My Number One Fan! From: Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 16:16:22 -0400 >> I never said no "expert" could answer my questions, I said the experts I talked could not. Just be honest. << Spoken like a true deliberately lying creationist. Like Walter Brown with his deliberate lie ( ): "on the basis of data from a 1978 study by Margaret Dayhoff, comparisons of cytochrome c show that the rattlesnake is more closely related to humans that to any other organism." It's deliberate, because it has to be worded just exactly so in order to remain technically true. And it's still a lie because the audience is not informed of that technicality and is being deceived into believing that the reverse is also true, that humans are more closely related to rattlesnakes. Which is completely false. The difference major branches of Reptilia are as distantly related to each other as to Mammalia. There was no other snake in the study and it was pure coincidence that humans were one less amino acid different than the other animals in the study. We differ by 14 amino acids. Rhesus monkeys and humans differ by only one amino acid. Chimpanzees were not included in the Dayhoff study; zero differences, human and chimpanzee cytochrome c are identical. That Brown knew full well that he was lying was indicated by this: Later after a debate, Kenney found Brown telling a small group about rattlesnakes being more closely related to humans than to any other organism. When Kenney started explaining to the group how misleading that was, Brown quickly changed the subject. In your article, you misled your audience into concluding that those questions had not been answered. Part of that deception was the fact that you had talked to no experts, but rather to people who did not possess the expertise needed to answer those questions. It's a recurring pattern that I often saw, wherein you would accost non-experts for answers to your questions while avoiding any actual experts, then boast to your audience how your questions couldn't be answered. Damned deceiver! Please explain to me just how those refrigerant salesmen qualified as experts on atmospheric dynamics and on the dispersal of molecules into the upper atmosphere. Sure, they were probably experts on using and handling refrigerants as well as what uses they could be put to, but certainly not experts in anything that could possibly apply to your question. It would be like having a question that only a marine biologist could answer, but instead of seeking a marine biologist you canvassed several Red Lobster cooks. That's just as ludicrous as your pestering refrigerant salesmen with questions far outside their expertise. But if you truly believe that they were the experts that you needed to get your question answered, then do please explain why. Though, of course, the real reason why you chose them is because you did not want your question answered. You never do, because you want your questions to remain "unanswerable". >> Regarding the Ozone layer, please tell me how that dense gas gets into the stratosphere. If you coherently do so, I will remove that article. << That's bullshit and you know it! Because I already told you that several years ago. And I told you again and you have never done the right thing, but rather ran away and continued to lie to the public. Here's a brief chronology from my page on this subject: April 1998 -- Bill posts his "Ozone Layer" article in the CSAOC newsletter. I bring it up for discussion in our ongoing email exchange. The exchange is posted below. As I note at the end, he ended it as he usually did, by dropping the subject and refusing to respond. Late 1998 -- Bill put up his first web site and posted several of his newsletter articles on it, including his "Ozone Layer" article that he already knew to be false. I ask Bill why he chose to post an article that he knew for a fact to be false. Either no response from him or he tried to claim that I had never answered his question, whereupon I yet again posted the answers to his question to demonstrate that, yes I had, and I continued to press for his reason for posting an article he knew for a fact to be false, whereupon he ran away yet again. Early 2001 -- Bill put up another web site and yet again posted several of his newsletter articles on it, including his "Ozone Layer" article that he already knew to be false and whose inclusion he had refused to justify. Yet again I took Bill to task for his actions and yet again he refused to take responsibility for his own actions. I believe that it was this time (hey, I'm having to remember back about 7 years here) that I led in by asking why he deliberately posted false claims on his web site. He responded with a typical Bill-Morgan boastfulness that he went out of his way to ensure that everything he posted was true and that if he ever discovered that one of his claims was not true then he would take it down immediately. I pointed out, yet again, that he knew that his "Ozone Layer" article was false and yet had yet again deliberately chosen to post it on his new website. Bill immediately ran away and refused to respond to my follow-up emails. And, no, he never removed that article from that website. Present-day, 2007 June 18 -- I relocated Bill's website (, whose very name is a lie, considering walking catfish, snakeheads, and mudskippers) in order to make sure the links on this page are up-to-date. Bill's "Ozone Layer" article is still posted on that page. Only this time it bears the date of "Monday, January 17, 2005". This is despite the fact that it actually dates from April 1998. So much for Bill Morgan's empty boast that he would remove a false claim immediately. So we have the inescapable fact, which I render in syllogistic form here: Given that Bill Morgan has known for a fact since mid-1998 that the claims in his "Ozone Layer" article are false; Given that, starting several months after discovering that fact and continuing on to the present day, Bill Morgan has deliberately and repeatedly chosen to post that article unchanged on his websites; Therefore, Bill Morgan is knowingly and deliberately lying to the public. The next question, which I have repeatedly asked Bill and which he has repeately refused to answer, is: Why does Bill Morgan need to use lies in order to serve his God? And here's the answer that a real expert has for your question. It's the same answer that I provided to you back in 1998, 13 years ago. And that I repeatedly provided to you several times since then, so here it is yet again: URL: How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air? CFCs reach the stratosphere because the Earth's atmosphere is always in motion and mixes the chemicals added into it. CFC molecules are indeed several times heavier than air. Nevertheless, thousands of measurements from balloons, aircraft, and satellites demonstrate that the CFCs are actually present in the stratosphere. This is because winds and other air motions mix the atmosphere to altitudes far above the top of the stratosphere much faster than molecules can settle according to their weight. Gases such as CFCs that do not dissolve in water and that are relatively unreactive in the lower atmosphere are mixed relatively quickly and therefore reach the stratosphere regardless of their weight. Measured changes in the concentration of constituents versus altitude teach us more about the fate of compounds in the atmosphere. For example, the two gases carbon tetrafluoride (CF4, produced mainly as a by-product of the manufacture of aluminum) and CFC-11 (CCl3F, used in a variety of human activities) are both heavier than air. Carbon tetrafluoride is completely unreactive at altitudes up to at least 50 kilometers in the atmosphere. Measurements show it to be nearly uniformly distributed throughout the atmosphere (as illustrated in the figure below, the abundance of CF4 is nearly the same at all altitudes where measurements have been made). There have been measurements over the past two decades of several other completely unreactive gases, both lighter than air (neon) and heavier than air (argon and krypton), that show that they also mix upward through the stratosphere regardless of their weight. CFC-11 is unreactive in the lower atmosphere (below about 15 kilometers) and is similarly uniformly mixed there, as shown in the figure. However, the abundance of CFC-11 decreases as the gas reaches higher altitudes, because it is broken down by high-energy solar ultraviolet radiation. Chlorine released from this breakdown of CFC-11 and other CFCs remains in the stratosphere for several years, where every chlorine atom destroys many thousands of molecules of ozone. Atmospheric Measurements of CFC-11 and CF4 Your move, damned liar. ######################################################### Subj:RE: My Number One Fan! Date:01-Nov-11 21:32:05 Pacific Daylight Time Sent from the Internet (Details) My web master will remove the article from the web site and if you keep calling me insulting names instead of acting like a man I will stop the dialog. Treat me with the same respect I treat you. ######################################################### To: Subject: Re: My Number One Fan! From: Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 17:15:31 -0400 >> My web master will remove the article from the web site ... << Finally! After thirteen years of knowing that it was false to begin with. And by being presented with the answer to your question that had already been presented to you thirteen years ago before you had even posted it the first time and had been presented and pointed out you to several times since with the result of you running away. Though the question does remain of why you considered refrigerant salesmen to be competent experts on atmospheric dynamics. >> ... and if you keep calling me insulting names instead of acting like a man I will stop the dialog. Treat me with the same respect I treat you. << You? Treat me with respect? That's absolutely ludicrous. You have never treated me with respect. You constantly lied to me, constantly "rabbit trailed" and continue to do so despite your preaching against that practice that you correctly deemed dishonest, evaded my simple direct questions and requests for clarification of your own monosyllabic grunted "answers", made outrageous false accusations against me, and mocked me mercilessly. Do you call THAT treating me with respect? I have been treating you with far more respect than you have ever treated me. And if you cut the crap and stop acting like a despicable jerk, then I will not have to try to pull you back in line by reminding you of what you are. I assume by your religion that you do not like the Pharisees, but you need to put that aside and try to follow one of their teachings: "Do not to others that which is displeasing to yourself. That is the whole of the Law (Tanakh); the rest is just explanation. Now go and learn it." You need to actually practice respect, not merely make false claims about it. Claiming one thing and practicing the opposite is called "hypocrisy". ######################################################### Subj:RE: My Number One Fan! Date:02-Nov-11 21:11:01 Pacific Daylight Time Sent from the Internet (Details) I hardly ever go to my web site, nor do others and I had no recollection of the ozone article. I prefer giving lessons than working on my webby. These people were not refrigerant salesmen. They scaring the socks off people that the world was going to end from evil refrigeration and thus welcomed my question. I still would like to meet your MOAA peeps on how wind sweeps this heavy dense gas up to 20,000 feet. My respect is shown in every email. Do you treat me with respect by your 7th grade swearing? I never mocked you, I like you. I know you hate me but I like your passion. This email pushes us closer to breaking up.....if you insult me again I won't reply anymore. ######################################################### To: Subject: The Question Still Remains From: Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 22:06:10 -0500 If you ever do come up with an alternative to naturalistic science that is not supernaturalistic, please also be prepared to describe how such a science is supposed to function and to work anywhere nearly as well as naturalistic science does currently. Now, Bill, this is a very serious question and a very important one for both sides. It really does need to be examined and discussed: Just about everybody else's Sunday School instruction made it quite clear that lying is a sin, so how do creationists and other Christians who deliberately lie justify their actions? Is there something in Christian doctrine that allows for lying and deceiving in the service of their god? Is there some legalistic loophole created by fundamentalist interpretation of Scripture that they use? It there some special interpretation that they apply to apply to exempt themselves from accountability for the sin of lying and deceiving? Are they abusing God's foregiveness by repeatedly and deliberately sinning in the service of their god and then absolving themselves by asking for foregiveness and then doing it all over again? Do they delude themselves that they aren't doing anything wrong? The repercussions are enormous. While preaching moral absolutes, they practice relativisitic morality, as in "But those rules don't apply to me." Their testimony that they believe that their religion must be supported, defended, and promoted by lies and deception. Really! What are they thinking? Also, that ozone-layer article is still on your site, unchanged. What is the time-frame in which it will be removed? And it's too bad you didn't do some research before choosing your site's domain name. fishdontwalk is factually false. You forgot about mud skippers, snake heads, and walking catfish. ######################################################### From: Bill Morgan
To: billyjack6 Sent: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 4:06 pm Subject: RE: The Question Still Remains OH PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND GIVE ME TIME! JUST TONIGHT I CALLED MY WEB MASTER AND TOLD HIM TO REMOVE PLEASE OH PLEASE GIVE ME TIME! I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you expect a design engineer (like me) to teach that a piping system like 60,000 miles of blood vessels happened by chance? ######################################################### To: Subject: Re: The Question Still Remains From: Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 02:24:01 -0500 Oh give me a frakking break! I politely asked you for some kind of time frame and you blew it off with an outlandish rabbit-trail. Fact. I had several years experience with you. Fact. That experience had taught me to never trust you. Fact, emphasized repeated with bitter experience. My repeated question was, yet again, when? Some idea of the time frame that you were operating in. It wasn't a demand for immediate action, but at least a timely response to when it was going to be taken care of. Here is my past experience with creationists (including what others have experienced first-hand). They try to bluff their claim through until you have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that their claim is wrong. OK, so they withdraw it. Some time passes. Then they post their bogus claim yet again as if nothing had ever happened. Eg, ICR creationists had been using a claim of an Australeopithecus fossil in which one part had been found a considerable distance down-hill. They were corrected and retracted that claim. Then some years later, there they were making that exact same claim they had previously retracted. Eg, in 1985 I attended a debate in which H. Morris made his "'1976' NASA document moondust claim" -- refer to my page, -- no, seriously, since that NASA document was of papers presented in 1965 and printed in 1967! I wrote to the ICR (Gish replied; read the details) as did others who published first. Needless to say, the claim was totally bogus. Later, since the ICR would no longer reply to me, I had a friend write in my stead and the reply to him, by a "graduate student", was an excerpt from a later H. Morris book stating that they no longer used moondust. Well, guess what. Go into any "good Christian" bookstore, even today, and pick up a Masters book. Those are the ICR books. If you pick up Henry Morris' Scientific Creationism, then you will still find him citing that NASA document as "1976". And in most all the others, you will still find the appendix of "uniformitarian ages of the earth". Look for moondust. You will still find a "unpublished" reference to Slusher. Follow the link I just gave you above and you will find that "unpublished reference to Slusher". OK, Bill. My decades of experience with creationists is that they lie through their teeth! Despite all that extremely negative experience with creationists. ... I am asking you directly and trustingly (as much as anyone could ever trust a creationist!), when exactly do you expect this to happen? And with all due respect ... . You don't maintain your own website directly? Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, Oscar? It's only HTML. What could be more simple? ######################################################### Subj:RE: The Question Still Remains Date:18-Nov-11 19:35:19 Pacific Daylight Time Sent from the Internet (Details) You say I lie but deep down you really like me admit it. I will soon be taking over the webby site. Soon, soon, but you are acting like a stalker do you not agree? So after 13 years he finally removed that article from his web site. It took several weeks, but it finally happened. Well, the link to that article remained, but the text of the article was removed. Then shortly thereafter the entire website went down. I assume that it had come back up at some time in the last four years, but it's currently down again with only a few links working.
The true test will be whether the ozone layer article will be reposted again. It is a common creationist deception to put on a show of retracting a false claim that has drawn too much negative exposure, only to then continue to use the exact same false claim after enough time has passed for everybody to have forgotten about it. Given how dishonest Bill Morgan has proven to be, I wouldn't put that past him.
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First uploaded on 2000 July 02.
Updated on 2015 November 05.