by DWise1

One day, Liber8r got me started analyzing my somewhat one-sided exchange with Bill Morgan, a creation science activist who has been active here in Orange County, California, for over a decade. As a result, I responded to Liber8r with the following email.

In the following text, I am "DWise1" and Bill Morgan is "BillyJack6." Liber8r was a third-party witness to our correspondence. The URL to one of my pages has been updated and turned into a link and references to other pages have also been turned into links.

Subj:   Bill's Game 
Date:   98-06-03 23:32:12 EDT
From:   DWise1
CC: DWise1, BillyJack6

>Your last letter was fascinating.  As usual, you have responded
eloquently to Billy's blurbs.  I believe that it is obvious that Billy is
less interested in discussion than he is in converting.<

I think that's part of the breed.  In the years that I was involved in
creation/evolution on CompuServe, I very rarely encountered a creationist who
was actually interested in discussing the claims or in backing up their
claims.  One in particular, Paul Ekdahl (he's the one who posted the "23
Points" that I responded to and posted on my web site
[]), used to post monstrous
messages which were taken verbatim from creationist books.  He was so slavish
in copying his sources that he would even include footnote numbers!  He would
refuse to discuss any of it and would "answer" questions with yet another
verbatim copying.  Every single time that I would finally get him to respond
in his own words, he would immediately try to convert me.  He was a
Seventh-Day Adventist.  I think that the final straw for him was when he
described how his church's founder, Ellen G. White, would go into a trance
and perform some amazing physical feats, whereupon I replied that when I was
practiced in Aikido, I could do the exact same things and more, all without
having to go into any kind of trance.

>Billy should realize that his short one-liners are not going to 'cut the

I don't think that matters to him.  As far as he is concerned, nobody else
would ever know about his intransigence.  Well, that is not going to happen.
I do plan on devoting a page to him, on which I plan to describe our dealings
with him.  I will not use any of Bill's actual email messages to me/us, since
that would be a betrayal of trust, but everything else is fair game.  I'll
even try to solicit material from him.  In the meantime, if he could become
more forthright in his responses, he might get portrayed differently on my
"Bill Morgan Page".

>Also, you shouldn't be debating with someone who isn't truly interested in
what you have to write.  As proof of my assertion, Billy will once again
provide short blurbs to your accurate and detailed messages.  [Here's a case
where I would love to be wrong.]<

They say that a pessimist should be the happiest person around.  99% of the
time he has the self-satisfaction of being right and 1% of the time he is
pleasantly surprised.  Like you, I am also waiting to be pleasantly surprised
by Bill.

Also, you know that Bill does not usually "provide short blurbs."  He usually
refuses to respond.  It's just in the rare occasions that he does respond
that he only "provide[s] short blurbs."

This hasn't been a debate; you need to have two sides present for there to be
a debate.  Basically, Bill's not really here, of his own volition and despite
our repeated efforts to get him involved.  Instead, I am trying to make him
aware of the serious problems with and dangers of his crusade to convert the
rest of us with contrary-to-fact claims.  In the course of my efforts, I have
had to think through the issues and describe the problems and their
consequences.  My creation/evolution page will change considerably, and for
the better, as a result of my efforts here, so the time has not been wasted.

At the same time, we have been learning more about Bill's activities and I
have come to suspect his integrity.  Consider:

1. Some years ago, when he corresponded with an acquaintence of mine who knew
virtually nothing about creation/evolution, Bill was not in the least bit shy
about writing page after page of bluster, taunts, and bogus creationist
claims.  When I started our email exchange, Bill came on strong and blustery,
but when he realized that I knew something about the subject, he almost
immediately backed and refused to deal in writing, claiming to have a
personal preference for the telephone.  This is despite his earlier zeal for
writing and his own admission that he handles a lot of email traffic.  This
indicates that Bill is NOT shy about writing, but only when the other person
doesn't understand what is going on;
otherwise, he tries to disengage immediately.

2. From newsgroups we find reported that Bill has spammed his AOLCREAT.DOC in
several newsgroups (spammed even further afield by others).  Furthermore, it
has been reported that he has done this on serveral occasions.  In
particular, the poster said that Bill had posted AOLCREAT.DOC in
and alt.atheism repeatedly, even though the whole thing was refuted each
time.  All he did was ignore the responses and then post it again, hoping
that everybody had forgotten it from the last time.  This indicates that Bill
has received lots of feedback on AOLCREAT.DOC and has been informed, many
times over, of the errors contained in that file.

5. I informed Bill of a few of the gross errors I found in AOLCREAT.DOC,
particularly his erroneous protein-formation argument.  Again, he had not
comment, except to denounce my MONKEY program, which he had never seen and
had no idea what it did.

6. Now he has sent me yet another copy of AOLCREAT.DOC.  Except for a few
cosmetic changes, it is identical to what he had sent to me two years ago.
It has not been corrected at all.  He has ignored all the different critiques
he has received on it over the years and continues to distribute the same
error-filled tract as if it had never received any criticism at all.

7. From that first encounter (see #1), I received a copy of Bill's comic,
"Weird Science", the critique of which I wrote and gave to Bill.  Bill said
absolutely nothing about the multitude of errors that I found in his work.
In "Weird Science," Bill claimed blusterily that nobody had ever been able to
find a single error in it; I wonder if his current version continues to make
the same claim.

8. Despite having been made aware of the grave dangers creation science poses
for Christians' faith, he continues in his newsletter to taut young-earth
creationism as the only position that a "true Christian" could hold.  This is
despite his knowledge that geological evidence directly refutes a young-earth
position and that several creationists working as geologists have gone
through severe crises of faith, some reportedly even to the brink of atheism,
because the young-earth position is contrary to fact.

From these observations, we could conclude:
1. Bill is incredibly stupid,
2. Bill is so fanatical that he is blind to the truth, or
3. Bill knows full well that his position is based on lies, yet he believes
that the ends (ensnaring ever more souls for his god) justify the means
(using lies and deception).

We can immediately cross of the first one; Bill is no dummy.  The second one
probably has a lot of merit, but I see too much evidence of deliberate action
on Bill's part; he has to be aware of what he is doing.  I keep coming back
to the third choice, that Bill knows full well what he is doing.  

I know that it is very difficult to tell whether a creationist is
deliberately lying or has merely succeeded in deceiving himself as well, but
there are some cases where it can be nothing else.  Like Walter Brown's
deceptive rattlesnake-protein claim, which has to be worded so precisely that
he could not help but be aware of what he is doing.

Similarly, Bill has been acting too smart in our dealings, way too cagey.
When he thinks that the other person doesn't know what is going on, then he
doesn't hold back.  But as soon as he determines that the other person is
knowledgable, he backs off and insists against all reason on a purely verbal
format, if even that (I assume that he is either really glib or has the
patter down pat so that he could maintain a moving target).  

From what I have been seeing, he seems to know that he has no evidence to
support his claims.  If it were a case of self-deception, in which he
actually believed in the claims and their purported evidence, then he should
not exhibit any reservations about presenting his claims nor about presenting
his "evidence" for those claims.  That he does not do so indicates against
self-deception and for his knowledge of the falsehood of his claims and their
"evidence."  It does not completely rule out some degree of self-deception,
but it does indicate awareness of his own actions.

Because of that, we need to continue trying to discuss the issues with him.
Since his theology removes him from responsibility for the consequences of
his actions, so long as he believes that he is acting for the furtherance of
his religion, somebody has to trigger his conscience -- or be his conscience,
since he seems to lack one.

Of course, we wouldn't be so concerned with his driving more people to
atheism, if only he and his church didn't have such a distorted view of


From "The Man with Two Brains":
German policeman:  You're playing God!
Steve Martin:      Well, somebody has to!


Subj:  Re: Bill's Game 
Date:   98-06-04 01:45:20 EDT
From:   BillyJack6
To: DWise1

Hey, This is great material. Would it be ok if i were to add it to
my web page?
I am trying to put together a comprehensive web site (on aol for now) that
covers all aspects of Christian life as well as witnessing material or
evidence for them to use.


Subj:  Your Web Page
Date:   98-06-14 23:19:32 EDT
From:   DWise1
To: BillyJack6
CC: DWise1,

Bill, keep Liber8r in the loop, please.
### BEGIN ###

Subj:  Re: Bill's Game 
Date:   98-06-04 01:45:20 EDT
From:   BillyJack6
To: DWise1

Hey, This is great material. Would it be ok if i were to add it to my web
page?  I am trying to put together a comprehensive web site (on aol for now)
that covers all aspects of Christian life as well as witnessing material or
evidence for them to use.
### END ###

>Hey, This is great material. Would it be ok if i were to add it to my web

For me to give you permission, I must request two things:

1. You show me what part you intend to post as you intend to post it, so that
I can check it for accurate quoting and retention of context.

2. You provide a link to my creation/evolution web page.

>I am trying to put together a comprehensive web site (on aol for now) that
covers all aspects of Christian life as well as witnessing material or
evidence for them to use.<

You mean I'm finally going to see you post some of that evidence you keep
claiming to have but have refused to present for over a year?  Wow!

So since you are going to have to type it in anyway, why don't you just go
ahead and answer my questions?  If you keep a copy, then you will have
material for your web page.

OK, let's talk shop.  Are you using straight HTML or a developer's kit?  I
would assume the latter, since the impression I get is that you are a
relative new-comer to the PC.  Are there parts of the process or about HTML
that I might be able to help you with?  For example, AOL is case-sensitive,
so you do need to be very careful about naming the files EXACTLY as you
reference them in the HTML <A> and <IMG> tags.  Also, if it helps you
organize your pages, you can use subdirectories; see my site for examples --
select "View Source".

When do you plan to upload your pages?  I assume that it is under your
BillyJack6 screen name.  I will offer links to your pages if you offer links
to mine.  You could even offer a link to Liber8r's comments on your
AOLCREAT.DOC; I can give you the URL.  Do you know what a URL is? (sorry, but
I cannot tell what I can assume with you and what I cannot)

What are you going to offer on your creationism page?  Just give them your
phone number and say "Call me"?  No, I doubt that very much, since visitors
to your page will not want to call some stranger -- parents will doubtless
report you to the authorities as a probable child molester.  You are going to
have to write something.  A lot.  You are going to have to present your case
and your arguments and (hopefully) your evidence.  Which is what I've been
trying to get you to do for over a year now.  Just think, if you had engaged
in discussion with me rather than dodge out all this time, you would have a
lot of material already written up that could have fitted into your web page
with only a little editting.  As it is, now you have to do all that from
scratch.  I did try to help you, you know.

Having both our pages up there makes it perfect for an on-line debate.  What
is your answer?

No answer from Bill, nor any announcement from him about any web page. Within a couple months, I found one, "Creation vs. Evolution", which I suspected might be Bill's, though the site itself would never state that it was -- it always refered to Bill in the third person. The guestbook entries indicated that the site had been up since July 1998. Then in his July 2000 newsletter, Bill finally announced his web site and claimed it as his, a full two years after its creation.

That website no longer exists and I think he's gone through another couple in the meantime. His website is now, which is currently down for remodelling.

Share and enjoy!

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First uploaded on 2000 July 02.
Updated on 2015 October 21.

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